Building C7.1
Room 0.12
Universität des Saarlandes (Saarland University)
66123 Saarbrücken
+49 681 302 58 XXX
Research Interests
- Speech Recognition
- Natural Language Processing & Understanding
- Privacy
- Multi-Modal Learning
- Air Traffic Control
Alexander Blatt, Badr M. Abdullah, Dietrich Klakow
Ending the Blind Flight: Analyzing the Impact of Acoustic and Lexical Factors on Wav2vec 2.0 in Air-Traffic Control
ASRU 2023
Lakshmi Rajendram Bashyam, Alexander Blatt, Dietrich Klakow
Enabling Noisy Label Usage for Out-of-Airspace Data in Read-Back Error Detection
ASRU 2023
Janaki Viswanathan, Alexander Blatt, Konrad Hagemann, Dietrich Klakow
Less Stress, More Privacy: Stress Detection on Anonymized Speech of Air Traffic Controllers
Innovation im Fokus 2 – 2022 (DFS)
Alexander Blatt, Martin Kocour, Karel Veselý, Igor Szöke, Dietrich Klakow
Call-sign Recognition and Understanding for noisy air-traffic Transcripts using Surveillance Information
In Proceedings of the ICASSP 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing
Mickaël Rigault, Claudia Cevenini, Khalid Choukri, Martin Kocour, Karel Veselý, Jan Černocký, Igor Szoke, Petr Motlíček, Juan Zuluaga-Gomez, Alexander Blatt, Dietrich Klakow, Allan Tart, Pavel Kolčàrek
Legal and Ethical Challenges in Recording Air Traffic Control Speech
The Legal and Ethical issues Workshop @LREC2022
Martin Kocour, Karel Veselý, Alexander Blatt, Juan Zuluaga Gomez, Igor Szöke, Jan “Honza” Černocký, Dietrich Klakow, Petr Motlı́ček
Boosting of contextual information in ASR for air-traffic call-sign recognition
In Proceedings of the 22rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), 30 August – 3 September, 2021, 2021.
Martin Kocour, Karel Veselý, Igor Szöke, Santosh Kesiraju, Juan Zuluaga-Gomez, Alexander Blatt, Amrutha Prasad, Iuliia Nigmatulina, Petr Motlíček, Dietrich Klakow, Allan Tart, Hicham Atassi, Pavel Kolčárek, Jan Černocký, Claudia Cevenini, Khalid Choukri, Mickael Rigault, Fabian Landis, Saeed Sarfjoo, Chloe Salamin
Automatic Processing Pipeline for Collecting and Annotating of Air-traffic Voice Communication Data
In Proceedings of the 9. OpenSky Symposium, 2021
Juan Zuluaga-Gomez, Karel Veselý, Alexander Blatt, Petr Motlicek, Dietrich Klakow, Allan Tart, Igor Szöke, Amrutha Prasad, Saeed Sarfjoo, Pavel Kolčárek, Martin Kocour, Honza Černocký, Claudia Cevenini, Khalid Choukri, Mickael Rigault, Fabian Landis
Automatic Call Sign Detection: Matching Air Surveillance Data with Air Traffic Spoken Communications
In Proceedings of the OpenSky Symposium 2020