Real time netwOrk, teXt, and speaker ANalytics for combating orgaNized crimE

The project aims at designing a framework for extracting evidence and actionable intelligence from large amount of noisy multilingual multimodal data based on advanced speech and language technologies (SLTs), visual analysis (VA) and network analysis (NA). The overall project goal is to achieve a significant improvement in identification of events, entities and relations, and to design a new generation of probabilistic and neural networks based tools interfacing SLT, VA and NA technologies.

The research will be carried out together with a European consortium of high-profile research institutes and companies: Idiap Research Institute (Project Coordinator, CH), Trilateral Research Ltd. (UK), Brno University of Technology (CZ), Phonexia s.r.o. (CZ), SAIL LABS Technology GmbH (AT), Capgemini Technology Services (FR), INTERPOL (FR), Saarland University (DE), KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS (GR), Leibniz University of Hannover (DE), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – TRANSCRIME (IT), AEGIS IT RESEARCH UG (DE), Airbus Defence and Space (Innovation Coordinator, FR), Police of Czech Republic (CZ), Romanian Minister of Interior (RO), Lithuanian Forensic Science Centre (LT), Police Service of Northern Ireland (UK), ADITESS Advanced Integrated Technology SaS LTD (CY), Ministry of Interior, Croatia (HR), Netherlands Forensic Institute (LEA Coordinator, NL), Internet of Things applications and MT development (CY), Ministry of Public Security – Israel National Police (IL), Hellenic Police (GR), An Garda Síochána (IR).

For more information see Interpol press release