Time: (First Meeting: 6 May 2020, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.)
Location: Microsoft Teams
Lecturer: Dr. Fech Scen Khoo
Suitable for: BSc Computational Linguistics
Registration: Please send an email to fskhoo@lsv.uni-saarland.de
Reference book: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher M. Bishop
Tentative contents:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 3: Regression
- Chapter 4: Classification
- Chapter 5: Neural Networks
- Chapter 6: Kernel Methods
- Chapter 7: Sparse Kernel Machines
- Chapter 8: Graphs
- Chapter 9: Mixture Models and EM
- Chapter 11: Sampling Methods
- Chapter 12: Continuous Latent Variables
- Chapter 14: Combining Models
Grading: Presentation + Report + Participation