Dr. Volha Petukhova


Universität des Saarlandes (Saarland University)
66123 Saarbrücken
Building C7.1, Room 0.16

v.petukhova AT lsv.uni-saarland.de
+49 681 302 58 128

Research Interests

Computational semantics of natural language; Dialogue theory and computational pragmatics; Representation systems for beliefs, intentions, and actions; Context modelling and context-based reasoning; Intelligent, cooperative, multimodal communication; Cognitive modelling; Dialogue management; Multimodal HCI; Semantic annotations –Editorial Group member ISO 24617-2 (Semantic annotation framework – Dialogue Acts) and ISO 24617-5 (Semantic annotation framework – Semantic Roles)

Recent publications

Hafiza Erum Manzoor, Volha Petukhova (2022) What Is Going through Your Mind? Metacognitive Events Classification in Human-Agent Interactions In Proceedings of the 18th Joint ACL – ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation within LREC2022, pages 1–9, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association.

Jutta Stock, Volha Petukhova, Dietrich Klakow (2022) Assessment of Sales Negotiation Strategies with ISO 24617-2 Dialogue Act Annotations In Proceedings of the 18th Joint ACL – ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation within LREC2022, pages 10–19, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association.

Ekaterina Saveleva, Volha Petukhova, Marius Mosbach and Dietrich Klakow (2021) Graph-based Argument Quality Assessment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), pp. 1268–1280

Ekaterina Saveleva, Volha Petukhova, Marius Mosbach and Dietrich Klakow (2021) Discourse-based Argument Segmentation and Annotation.  In Proceedings of the 17th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-17), Groningen, NL

Volha Petukhova, Firuza Sharifullaeva and Dietrich Klakow (2020) Authoring Negotiation Content and Programming Simulated Patients. Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade. Luis Fernando D’Haro, Zoraida Callejas and Satoshi Nakamura (eds.) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer.

Andrei Malchanau, Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt (2019) Towards Integration of Cognitive Models in Dialogue Management: Designing the Virtual Negotiation Coach Application. Dialogue and Discourse 9(2) (2018), published online 2019, p. 35–79, doi: 10.5087/dad.2018.202

Harry Bunt, Volha Petukhova, Emer Gilmartin, Simon Keizer, Catherine Pelachaud, Laurent Prévot and Mariët Theune (2018) Downward Compatible Revision of Dialogue Annotation. In Proceedings of the 14th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-14), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Andrei Malchanau, Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt (2018) Multimodal dialogue system evaluation: a case study applying usability standards.In Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (ISWDS 2018), Singapore

Ongoing projects:

Past projects:


Multimodal Dialogue Systems since SoSe 2012 (block seminar)
Proseminar Computational Pragmatics since WiSe 2019/2020 (block course)
Lecture: Introduction to Formal Semantics since SoSe 2022

Current students:

  • Anastasiia Kalmykova (BSc) Negotiation Outcome Prediction in Customer Service Dialogues
  • Wan Ching Ho (MSc) Personalised Argument Generation
  • Maria Francis (BSc) Pervasive questioning: Presupposition Generation for Cross-Examination Interactions
  • Amanda Silina (BSc) Negotiation Preferences Recognition and Preference Profile Generation
  • Robert Alexander Rabbe (BSc) Negotiation Actions Classification

Former students:

  • Abhinav Bhatt (MSc) Personalized Medical Arguments Generation
  • Nicholas Gareth Jennings (BSc) Unsupervised Biomedical NER
  • Hafiza Erum Manzoor (MSc) Metacognitive Events Recognition
  • Ekaterina Saveleva (MSc) Discourse-Based Argumentation Mining (tentative title)
  • Martin Wolf (Bsc) Optimizing quantity and quality of retrieved information for QA application
  • Dominik Weber (BSc) Depression Detection from Multimodal Psychiatric Questionnaire (PHQ-8) based Interviews
  • Preeti Dolakasharia (MSc) Virtual Coach for Cognitive Wellbeing
  • Bahar Tarakameh (MSc) Integration of business process models into dialogue management: patient self-assessment use case
  • Firuza Sharifullaeva (MSc) Cognitive task modelling for therapy adherence dialogues
  • Karolina Kume (MSc) Argument quality assessment: detecting and defeating polarization and opinion manipulation arguments in social media
  • Kang Ji (MSc) Modelling dependency relations between various dialogue units
  • Tobias Mayer (BSc) Antwortextraktion fuer QA-Applikationen mittels automatish generierter Ontologien
  • Desmond Darma Putra (MSc) Answer Extraction Module for Question Answering Gaming Application
  • Humayun Faiz (MSc) Question Classification
  • Alexandr Chernov (MSc) Understanding Questions: Computing the Expected Answer Type (EAT)
  • Ramkumar Aruchamy (MSc) Design of Flexible Dialogue Management Strategies for Interactive Dialogue Systems
  • Manoj Raju (MSc) Automatic Detection and Classification of Beat Gestures in Argumentative Discourse
  • Dilafruz Amanova (MSc) Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Classification
  • Eustace Ebhotemhen (MSc) Incremental Dialogue Act Classification
  • Valeria Lapina (MSc) Modality classification in multi-issue bargaining dialogues
  • Tobias Mayer (MSc) Argument Structure Mining: assessing argumentative behaviour in political debates