PhD Researcher
Building C7.1
Room 0.14
Universität des Saarlandes (Saarland University)
66123 Saarbrücken
Feel free to contact me at babdullah (at) lsv dot uni-saarland dot de
+49 681 302 58 133
Research Interests
My main research interest is to study and analyze the role of linguistic experience on speech processing using computational modeling techniques. Towards that end, I conduct interdisciplinary research at the intersection of linguistics, speech science, cognitive science, and machine learning. Currently, I am working with deep neural networks as a framework for modeling human speech processing and investigating whether their performance predicts human behavior on spoken-word processing tasks. I am also interested in representation learning for speech and NLP, information-theoretic approaches to the study of language, linguistic typology and language variation, and cross-language speech perception.
- Analyzing the Representational Geometry of Acoustic Word Embeddings
Badr M. Abdullah, Dietrich Klakow
In BlackboxNLP @ EMNLP 2022
- Mapping Phonology to Semantics: A Computational Model of Cross-Lingual Spoken-Word Recognition
Iuliia Zaitova, Badr M. Abdullah, Dietrich Klakow
In VarDial @ COLING 2022
- Integrating Form and Meaning:
A Multi-Task Learning Model for Acoustic Word Embeddings
Badr M. Abdullah, Bernd Möbius, Dietrich Klakow
- How Familiar Does That Sound? Cross-Lingual Representational Similarity Analysis of Acoustic Word Embeddings
Badr M. Abdullah, Iuliia Zaitova, Tania Avgustinova, Bernd Möbius, Dietrich Klakow
In BlackboxNLP @ EMNLP 2021
- Do Acoustic Word Embeddings Capture Phonological Similarity? An Empirical Study
Badr M. Abdullah, Marius Mosbach, Iuliia Zaitova, Bernd Möbius, Dietrich Klakow
- SIGTYP 2021 Shared Task: Robust Spoken Language Identification
Elizabeth Salesky, Badr M. Abdullah, Sabrina Mielke, Elena Klyachko, Oleg Serikov, Edoardo Maria Ponti, Ritesh Kumar, Ryan Cotterell, Ekaterina Vylomova
- Familiar words but strange voices: Modelling the influence of speech variability on word recognition
Alexandra Mayn, Badr M. Abdullah, Dietrich Klakow
In EACL 2021 [ student research workshop ]
- Do we read what we hear? Modeling orthographic influences on spoken word recognition
Nicole Macher, Badr M. Abdullah, Harm Brouwer, Dietrich Klakow
In EACL 2021 [ student research workshop ]
- Rediscovering the Slavic Continuum in Representations Emerging from Neural Models of Spoken Language Identification
Badr M. Abdullah, Jacek Kudera, Tania Avgustinova, Bernd Möbius, Dietrich Klakow
In VarDial @ COLING 2020
- A Closer Look at Linguistic Knowledge in Masked Language Models: The Case of Relative Clauses in American English
Marius Mosbach, Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, Marie-Pauline Krielke, Badr M. Abdullah, Dietrich Klakow
In COLING 2020
- Cross-Domain Adaptation of Spoken Language Identification for Related Languages: The Curious Case of Slavic Languages
Badr M. Abdullah, Tania Avgustinova, Bernd Möbius, Dietrich Klakow